The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

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a blockage in one area of the body/mind system, energy
becomes stagnant and your intentions are more difficult to
actualize. You can activate each center by putting your
attention in the location of the chakra and sounding the
associated mantra aloud.
To begin this meditation, sit comfortably with your
spine upright. Close your eyes and visualize the site of the
energy center you wish to focus on. Take a deep breath,
and on the inhalation, chant the mantra in one long
syllable. Feel the sensations in your body and notice the
sense of alert calm in your mind after each mantra. Envi-
sion energy flowing effortlessly from
the base of your spine through the
different energy centers and ris-
ing up through the top of your
head. Notice how you feel in
the meditation and how it
affects you when you return to
your active life.

The First Center: Root Chakra

The root chakra, known in Sanskrit as Muladhara, is
located at the base of the spine. It governs your most
basic survival needs. When energy is flowing freely
through this center, you have confidence that you can
meet your core needs without struggle. When there is
blockage in this area, you will tend to experience anxiety
and worry.
The Law of Karma governs the first energy center.
On the physical plane, every action you perform results
in a corresponding reaction. To maximize the possibility

Meditation 83
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