The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

(lu) #1

breathing mantra to quiet the mind and relax the body. If
you are unable to receive personal instruction from a Pri-
mordial Sound Meditation teacher, the So Hum medita-
tion described below will help take your awareness from a
constricted to an expanded state of consciousness, align-
ing you with the Law of Pure Potentiality.
We recommend that you practice this technique for
twenty to thirty minutes twice daily. We encourage you to
perform it soon after awakening and again before dinner.
Although some people find that if they meditate before
bed they may have difficulty getting to sleep, you may find
that by meditating at bedtime, you are able to turn off
your mental turbulence from the day’s activity and fall
asleep easily after you have completed your meditation

  1. Sit comfortably where you will not be disturbed
    and close your eyes.

  2. For a few minutes simply observe the inflow and
    outflow or your breath.

  3. Now take a slow, deep breath through your nose
    while thinking the word So.

  4. Exhale slowly through your nose while thinking
    the word Hum.

  5. Allow your breathing to flow easily, silently
    repeating,So... Hum... with each inflow and
    outflow of your breath.

  6. Whenever your attention drifts to thoughts in
    your mind, sounds in your environment, or sensa-
    tions in your body, gently return to your breath,
    silently repeating, So... Hum.

Meditation 91
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