The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

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Conscious breathwork is also an expression of the
Law of Least Effort and the Law of Dharma. In a healthy
body, breathing is an effortless process, automatically
speeding up or slowing down, becoming deeper or shal-
lower with the subtlest shift in your body’s requirements
for energy. The oxygen you inhale supports the purpose
(dharma) of every cell in your body, enabling each to
exercise its unique talent while serving the wholeness of
the physiology.
On both physical and emotional levels, pranayama
breathing exercises clear the channels that enable you to
effortlessly exchange your personal energy with the
energy of the universe. Consciously directed, your vital
energy can be used for creativity and healing. Pranayama
breathing exercises are tools to help you channel your
vital force in evolutionary ways that bring you higher
levels of physical and emotional well being.


When you have a lot of energy moving through your
body, you naturally breathe more vigorously. You sponta-
neously move more air when you are exercising or dancing
because your body requires a greater quantity of oxygen to
supply your energy needs. In the same way that invigorat-
ing action increases the depth of your breathing, you can
consciously deepen your breathing, resulting in greater
energy available to your body.
One of the most empowering breathing exercises in
yoga is known as Bhastrika, which translated into English
means “bellows breath.” This is an energizing and cleans-
ing breath. Although it is generally a very safe technique,

104 The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga

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