The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

(lu) #1

Start with a round of ten Bhastrika breaths, then
resume normal breathing and simply observe the sensa-
tions in your body. After about fifteen to thirty seconds,
begin the next round with twenty breaths. If you feel
light-headed or experience tingling in your fingers or
around your mouth, discontinue your deep breathing and
simply observe your normal quiet breathing until the
sensations completely subside, then resume the process.
After a pause of thirty seconds, perform a third round
of thirty breaths. Again, suspend your Bhastrika breathing
if you feel woozy. After the third round, simply witness the
sensations in your body. For most people, this breathing
exercise creates the experience of feeling energized and

106 The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga

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