The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

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The pranayama technique known as Ujjayican help settle
your mind and body when you are feeling irritated, frus-
trated, or overheated. Although the origins of the word
are unclear, one interpretation is “leading to success.”
This breath allows you to stay focused without generating
unnecessary mental friction. Ujjayi creates a cooling
influence at the back of the throat and has a balancing
effect on the cardiorespiratory system.
To perform Ujjayi breath, take a slightly deeper than
normal inhalation. On the exhalation, slightly constrict
your throat muscles so as you breathe out it sounds as
if you are snoring. The outflow of your breath is through
your nose with your mouth closed. The result should be
that you sound like Darth Vader from Star Wars.
Another way to get the hang of this practice is to first
exhale the sound “haaah” with your mouth open. Now
make a similar sound with your mouth closed, directing
the outflow of air through your nasal passages. This
should result in the desired breathy snoring sound. Once
you have mastered it on the outflow, perform the same
procedure on inflow, gently constricting your throat as
you inhale.
Try shifting into Ujjayi breath whenever you find
yourself becoming aggravated or upset, and you will
notice a prompt soothing influence. Ujjayi is said to have
a calming effect on the body while it helps the mind to
focus. We recommend using Ujjayi while performing
your yoga poses to help you stay focused as you move
from one posture to the next.
Ujjayi can also be a useful tool during aerobic exercise.

Moving Energy 109
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