The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

(lu) #1

left nostril. Exhaling through the right. Inhaling through
the right nostril. Exhaling through the left.
Nadi Shodhana has a relaxing effect on your mind
and body. It can be useful to quiet your mind prior to
beginning mantra meditation or when your mind is racing
when you are trying to fall asleep. By softening the
breath through Nadi Shodhana, you invoke a state of
calm inner awareness.

Breathwork in Action

Become aware of your breathing throughout the day. If
you find yourself in a tense or stressful situation, con-
sciously take some slow, deep abdominal breaths through
your nose and notice how your entire body relaxes. Prac-
tice Ujjayi breathing when you are walking or exercising

112 The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga

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