The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

(lu) #1

your sides or on your thighs, bend slightly forward. Take in
a deep breath and completely exhale, emptying your
lungs as fully as possible. Make a motion as if you were
about to take another inhalation, but instead lift your
abdomen so that you are forming a hollow below your
diaphragm. Hold this position for about ten seconds, then
release and take a normal in-breath. Repeat this motion
seven times.
This bandha activates the solar plexus energy center,
which governs digestion and the ability to translate your
desires into manifestations. Blockages in this region are
associated with digestive disturbances and metabolic
imbalances. Developing the ability to regulate energy in
this area of your body ensures that you have access to
your core digestive fire. When your fire is burning

Moving Energy 115
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