The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

(lu) #1

Balancing Poses

A healthy life is a life in balance. Yoga practice offers an
opportunity for learning about dynamic balance. Main-
taining mind-body balance provides the best platform to
make karmically correct choices, enabling you to perform
actions in the most efficient way. A life in balance is a life
in dharma, for every action supports the evolutionary
flow of life in which minimal resistance and maximum
success are generated.
A balanced mind recognizes that we have control
over the choices we make but not over the consequences
of the choices. Putting your attention on the action
rather than focusing on the fruits of action is the key to
successful living. Yoga offers the opportunity to develop a
balanced mind by bringing your attention into a pose
while relinquishing your attachment to the outcome.
Bringing balance into your body will awaken balance in
your mind, just as bringing your mind into balance will
assist you in finding physical balance.
The next set of postures is designed to awaken balance
in your body and mind. Learning to maintain stillness in
your body will help you cultivate stillness in your mind.
At first, these balancing poses may be challenging for
you, but if you practice them regularly, you will find them
becoming easier each day, until you have mastered them.
Notice how achieving stillness in your body sponta-
neously supports mental stillness.


Practicing this pose will help you develop the stability of a
tree. Stand with your feet together and your arms resting

Consciousness in Motion 137
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