The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

(lu) #1

while balancing on your left leg, raise your arms over
your head until your palms are together. Look straight
ahead, breathing easily, and hold the pose until you
barely require any adjustment to maintain your balance.
Lower your right leg to the floor, close your eyes, and
again bring your attention in to your body, tuning in to
your sense of balance and noticing any subtle changes
that may have occurred as a result of holding the tree
pose. Now, bring the sole of your left foot onto the inner
aspect of your right thigh as high as possible, balancing on
your right leg. Maintain stillness for about ten seconds,
then return your left leg to the floor.
Practice the tree pose whenever your mind is turbu-
lent. You will notice that as you bring your attention into
the present moment, your body becomes still and your
mind quiets.


Standing with your feet together, extend both arms in
front of you so your palms are facing downward with your
index fingers together. Balancing on your right leg, par-
tially bend your left knee, bringing your left leg in front of
you. Find your point of stillness while maintaining balance
on your right leg.
Once you feel stable, slowly bring your left leg behind
you while flexing at the waist until your left leg is
extended out parallel to the floor. While you balance on
your right leg, your arms remain in front of you with your
palms facing the floor. Bring your attention to your
breath as you find your center point of stillness.
Hold this pose for about ten seconds, then slowly
return your leg to the floor and resume standing with

Consciousness in Motion 139
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