The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

(lu) #1

There will be times when your one-pointed attention
locks in to a pose and body and mind come together.
This is the essence of yoga. You are in present-moment
awareness and there is effortless communication between
your body and your mind.


From a standing pose, spread your legs apart so your feet
are a little less than twice as wide as your shoulders.
While inhaling, raise both arms straight up to shoulder
height so they are parallel to the floor.
Turn your left foot 90 degrees outward, and bending
from the waist, slide your left arm down your left leg until
you can grasp your ankle just above your foot. If you can-
not reach this far, grab hold of your leg as far down as you
can reach. Bring your right arm up so it is straight and
pointing directly toward the ceiling. Look up toward your
reaching hand.
Hold this triangle posture, breathing deeply for five or
six breaths, then gradually return to an upright position
with your arms outstretched. Close your eyes and check in
with your body for a few moments.
Repeat the pose with the opposite arm and leg. Turn
your right foot outward 90 degrees and then slide your
right arm down your leg, grasping your ankle while your
left arm is pointing straight up. Take several slow, deep
breaths before returning to an upright position.
The classical triangle pose enlivens both balance and
flexibility. Use this pose to open your chest. Stretching

Consciousness in Motion 141
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