The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

(lu) #1


Standing with your legs apart and your arms outstretched
at shoulder height parallel to the floor, slowly bend for-
ward, grasping your ankles with your hands. If you cannot
reach as far as your ankles, grasp your legs as close to your
ankles as you can. Now gently pull your head down
toward the floor while you press your hips upward.
Hold this position for about ten seconds while slowly
inhaling and exhaling, using your breath to surrender fur-
ther into the pose. Slowly return to an upright position,
take a few deep breaths, then repeat the standing angle
pose two more times. Notice how each time you go into
this posture it becomes easier to perform.
Flexion into this pose is initiated from your hips. You
will feel stretching in your groin and lower spine. If you

Consciousness in Motion 143
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