The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

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From this position, lower yourself gently to the ground,
touching your forehead, chest, and knees to the floor,
while maintaining the bulk of your weight on your hands
and toes. This is the eight limbs pose. The mantra
acknowledges the nourishment the sun provides to all liv-
ing beings on earth. It is associated with the solar plexus
(energy) chakra and the Law of Intention and Desire.

The mantra for the eight limbs pose is Om Pooshne


Move directly into the cobra pose, rising off the ground
using primarily your back and chest muscles. Do not
overextend by pushing off with your hands. The mantra
for this pose acknowledges the inner light that is
reflected in the outer light of the sun. This pose resonates
with the creativity chakra and the Law of Least Effort.

154 The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga

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