The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

(lu) #1

off your heels. Again allow yourself to settle onto your
heels. Become aware of your breathing and allow yourself
to relax more deeply with each breath. Activating the
Law of Intention and Desire, envision energy freely flow-
ing up your spine.
This is an energizing pose that awakens energy in the
lower chakras. With practice you will see increasing
flexibility in your hips, knees, and ankles. It provides
benefits for people suffering with digestive disturbances
and hemorrhoids.

The diamond is the precious gem that has the highest
spiritual frequency representing purity and eternity. It
has the ability to cut through almost everything else in
the world. The diamond pose awakens the balanced
state of mind-body integration that allows you to cut
through ignorance with the wisdom of the infinite and
unbounded field of life.

Consciousness in Motion 169
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