The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

(lu) #1
Bhastrika (1 to 2 minutes)—bellows breath
Dirgha (1 to 2 minutes)—complete breath
Ujjayi (1 to 2 minutes)—success breath
Nadi Shodhana (2 to 4 minutes)—clearing

So Hum Meditation

(10 to 30 minutes)

After clearing the subtle channels of circulation with
your pranayama breathing exercises, you are ready to
take your attention to a more expanded state of awareness
through meditation. Close your eyes completely and sim-
ply become aware of your thoughts for a few moments,
then sequentially bring your attention to each of the
seven chakras, audibly intoning the mantra for each
energy center.
After awakening these junction points between
the mind and the body, it is time to calm your mind.
Begin your silent meditation by practicing breathing
awareness using the So Hum mantra or any other mind-
quieting procedure you have learned. We encourage you
to learn Primordial Sound Meditation from a qualified
Meditation ideally is practiced for twenty to thirty
minutes. If you cannot accommodate this full-time, allow
for at least ten minutes of meditation during your yoga
practice. Always take a few minutes at the end of your
meditation to gently stretch and move before opening
your eyes.

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga Session 177
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