The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

(lu) #1

Activate the Spiritual Law

of the Day (5 minutes)

At the end of your program, lie on your back with your
arms at your sides and allow your total awareness to be in
your body. Enjoy the sensations generated by consciously
moving the life force through you.
Bring the spiritual law of the day into your awareness,
committing to enlivening it by attending to the three
activating intentions. As a result of the expanded aware-
ness, flexibility, and balance you have generated in your
practice, the law of the day will spontaneously support you
in the fulfillment of your deepest desires.

Spiritual Law of the Day

Day Spiritual Law Activating Intentions

Sunday Pure Potentiality 1. Cultivate stillness

  1. Commune with nature

  2. Practice nonjudgment

Monday Giving and 1. Practice breath awareness
Receiving 2. Cultivate gratitude

  1. Acknowledge your needs

Tuesday Karma (or Cause 1. Witness your choices
and Effect) 2. Consider the consequences

  1. Listen to your heart

Wednesday Least Effort 1. Practice acceptance

  1. Accept responsibility

  2. Be defenseless

Thursday Intention and 1. Be clear of your intentions
Desire 2. Trust the outcome

  1. Practice present moment

192 The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga

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