The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

(lu) #1

From here, what you see you become.


ccording to Indian philosophy, yoga is the system of
gaining knowledge through direct experience. A
chemist may understand the molecular basis of a straw-
berry. A geneticist may understand the DNA sequences
that underlie different varieties of strawberries. A botanist
may know the precise soil and water requirements for a
strawberry plant to thrive. A yogi knows the strawberry by
taking a bite.
Yoga declares that you can understand reality by con-
sciously experiencing the different layers of your life—
physical, mental, and spiritual. By tuning in to the
sensations of your body, you can understand the workings
of physiology. By listening to your inner dialogue, you
can understand the nature of the mind. By going beyond


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