The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

(lu) #1
While time is suspended, Krishna teaches Arjuna the
essence of yoga, telling him that good and evil, pleasure
and pain, and loss and gain are two sides of the same coin
of life. The solution that yoga offers is to go beyond the
realm of duality and become established in the state of
being that is beyond time, space, and causality. Once
rooted in this connection to spirit, Arjuna is exhorted to
enter into battle to rebalance the forces of nature.
Krishna tells Arjuna, “Go beyond the realm of good
and evil where life is dominated by beginnings and end-
ings. Enter into the domain of yoga, where all duality
finds its unity. Established in unity, perform activity that
supports dharma.”
This is the ultimate purpose of a yoga practice. Yoga
takes you into the realm of Pure Potentiality, where any-
thing is possible. It awakens the Law of Giving and
Receiving as you become aware of the continuous
exchange of your life energy with the life energy of the uni-
verse. Flexing and extending through your poses, you
express the Law of Karma as you recognize that every
action generates a proportionate reaction. The Law of
Least Effort becomes lively as you surrender into each pos-
ture, releasing rather than forcing your way into a position.
Combining the Law of Intention with the Law of Detach-
ment, yoga demonstrates that introducing your desire and
allowing nature to orchestrate its fulfillment maximizes
achievement while minimizing strain. Finally, moving
gracefully, sensitively, and consciously is the technology of
living the Law of Dharma in which your actions have a pos-
itive effect on you and your environment.
Any reason for practicing yoga is a good reason.
Enhancing flexibility and releasing stress are as noble a

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