The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

(lu) #1

Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.


acceptance, practicing, 61–62
Advaita, 14
ahankara, 18–19
Ajna (intuition chakra), 88–89, 152
color of, 89
mantra to awaken, 89
Anahata (heart chakra), 86–87
color of, 87
mantra for, 87
annamaya kosha, 16
Asana, 39–40
benefits of performing, 39–40
chosen in Seven Spiritual Laws of
Yoga program, 40
defined, 122
Ashwa-sanchalanasana (equestrian
pose), 152–153, 153 , 186 , 188
Asthanga Namaskar (eight limbs
pose), 154, 154 , 187
basis of, 66–67
attention, 45–46, 64, 68
and intention meditation, 95–96
Aum, 81, 90
autonomic nervous system, 100–101
ability to consciously experience
nonlocal and local, 94
being settled in pure, unbounded,
centered, xii, 12, 113
changing posture and, 121
complaints of thought, 92–93
constricted, 35, 42
taking mind to expanded,
from, 78–80
in defenselessness, establishing,
development of witnessing, 46–47
expanded, 35
achieving, 78–80
gaining, through meditation, 45
use of pranayama to gain, 42

experiencing field of pure, 53
mantra, 92
pure, 93–94
Ayurveda, 127
Balasana (child’s pose), 171 , 171–172,
bandhas, 113–117
for everyday yoga practice, 189
Jalandhara bandha (chin lock),
Moola bandha (root lock), 116
Uddiyana bandha (stomach lift),
Betty Ford Clinic, 21
Bhagavad Gita, 39–40
story of life depicted in, 196–197
Bhakti yoga, xi
Bhastrika (bellows breath), 104–107,
105 , 106
Bhujangasana (cobra pose), 129–130,
130 , 154–155, 155 , 180 , 187
body/mind, 113
benefits of yoga postures to, 40
discharging toxicity inhibiting flow
or energy in, 116
importance of prana to, 41
integration, effect of food on,
keeping life force flowing freely
through, 55
rebalancing, 93
system, blockages, 83
breathing, 41–42
being conscious of, 112–113
benefits of regulating, 100
connection of prana to, 99–100
as focus of attention in meditation,
influence on mind of, 42
buddhimaya kosha, 18
causal body, 19–22
collective domain, 20–21

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