The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

(lu) #1
intellect, 18
intentions, 46, 68
behind giving and receiving, 54–55
learning to harness power of, 116
organizing power of, 64
Ishwara-Pranidhana (surrendering to
the divine), 38–39
Jalandhara bandha (chin lock),
113–114, 114
Janu Sirsasana (bent knee forward
bend), 132–134, 133 , 181
Jung, Carl, 172
Queen Juno, 21
Kabalistic tradition, 41
Kapalabhati (shining breath), 107
karma, 33, 57–60, 78
Karma yoga, xi–xii
knowledge, yoga of, xi
causal body, 19–22
physical body, 14–17
primary divisions of, 14–22
subtle body, 17–19
Krishna, Lord, 196–197
kriya, 33
Kriya Shakti, 33
Kundalini, 165
Law of Detachment, 66–69, 151, 153,
172, 174, 197
governing expression chakra
(Vishuddha), 88
mantra, 69
Law of Dharma, 69–72, 152, 174, 197
conscious breathwork and, 104
direct demonstration of, through
bandhas, 113
governing intuition chakra (Ajna),
highest expression of, 172–173
mantra, 72
three major components of, 69–70
Law of Giving and Receiving, 54–57,
173, 197
connection of breathing to, 103
governing heart chakra (Anahata),
mantra, 57
Law of Intention and Desire, 63–66,
154, 169, 173–174, 197

Dirgha, as simple expression of,
essence of, 116
harnessing power of, in yoga prac-
tice, 65–66
mantra, 66
Law of Karma, 57–60, 173, 197
essence of, 123
governing of first energy center by,
mantra, 60
Law of Least Effort, 60–63, 152, 154,
171–172, 173, 197
conscious breathwork and, 104
enlivening, in yoga practice, 61–62
essence of, 116
mantra, 63
in second chakra, liveliness of,
Law of Pure Potentiality, 51–54, 197
governing consciousness chakra
(Sahswara), 89–90
mantra, 54
So Hum meditation for alignment
with, 91–92
three things to enliven, 52–53
ultimate expression of, 79–80
life force, 41–42. See alsoprana
chakras, as vortices of, 82
flowing freely through body/mind,
keeping circulation of, 54
life, layers of, 12–13, 15
understanding reality by consciously
experiencing different, 195–196
and devotion, yoga of, xi
expanded expression of
(brahmacharya), 34
Manipura (energy chakra), 85–86,
color for, 86
mantra for, 86
manomaya kosha, 18
mantra(s), 50
for Ashwa-sanchalanasana (eques-
trian pose), 152, 156
for Asthanga Namaskar (eight limbs
pose), 154
to awaken intuition chakra (Ajna),

Index 203

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