The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

(lu) #1

Memorize the mantra, whose vibratory qualities res-
onate with the Law of Pure Potentiality, and silently
repeat it a few times throughout the day to remind you
that your essential nature is pure potentiality.

Om Bhavam Namah
I am absolute existence

Law 2. The Law of Giving

and Receiving

The second spiritual law of success is the Law of Giving
and Receiving, which states that the universe operates
through dynamic exchange. Your body is in constant and
dynamic exchange with the body of the universe. Your
mind is dynamically interacting with the mind of the
cosmos. Life is the flow of all the elements and forces
that comprise the field of existence. The harmonious
exchange between your physical body and the physical
universe and between your personal mind and the collec-
tive mind is expressed as the Law of Giving and Receiv-
ing. Because your body, your mind, and the universe are in
constant and dynamic exchange, stopping the circula-
tion of energy is like stopping the flow of blood. When-
ever blood stops flowing, it begins to clot, to coagulate.
Whenever a river stops flowing, it begins to stagnate.
This is why you must be open to giving and receiving in
order to keep the life force circulating within you.
The most important thing is the intention behind
your giving and receiving. The intention should always be
to create happiness for the giver and the receiver, because
happiness is life-supporting and life-sustaining. The

54 The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga

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