the universe is as it should be. Give up your need to
struggle against the whole universe by struggling
against this moment. By acknowledging each situation
as it exists, you are in the best position to help evolve
it to a new level.
In your daily life, practice accepting people as
they are and circumstances as they occur, under-
standing that every moment in your life is the conse-
quence of every prior choice you’ve made. Rather
than resisting who or what is currently in your life,
practice acceptance of what is present and reinforce
your commitment to make more conscious choices
from this moment on.
- Having accepted things as they are, take responsi-
bility for the challenge you are facing. As applied to
your yoga practice, this means making the commit-
ment to nurture your body through appropriate exer-
cise and nutrition. If you are seeking to change your
body in a positive way, taking responsibility does not
mean indulging in blame for the state of your body
now. Remember that every challenge is an opportu-
nity in disguise, and this alertness to opportunity
allows you to take this moment and transform it for
greater benefit. - Establish your awareness in defenselessness. Do
not waste your life energy defending your point of
view or attempting to convince others. Remain open
to all points of view without rigidly attaching yourself
to any one of them.
The third principle is of particular relevance to your
yoga practice. There are many different schools of yoga
without one right way. Every teacher and every system has
62 The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga