The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

(lu) #1
your intentions as you move through your postures
and watch the result in your yoga practice and in
your life.

  1. Remind yourself to practice present moment
    awareness in all your actions. Do not allow any obsta-
    cles to consume or dissipate the quality of your atten-
    tion in the present moment. As you engage in a pose,
    be fully in the present, remembering that being in the
    moment empowers your most cherished intentions
    and desires.
    As you energize your intentions and desires with your
    attention, introduce the mantra that resonates with the
    Law of Intention and Desire.

Om Ritam Namah
My intentions and desires are supported
by cosmic intelligence

Law 6. The Law of Detachment

The sixth spiritual law of success is the Law of Detach-
ment, which reveals a great paradox of life. In order to
acquire something in this world, you have to relinquish
your attachment to it. This doesn’t mean you give up the
intention to fulfill your desire—you simply give up your
attachment to the outcome.
Attachment is based on fear and insecurity. When
you forget that the only genuine source of security is your
true self, you begin believing that you need something
outside yourself in order to be happy. You may believe
that a certain amount of money in the bank, paying off

66 The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga

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