The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

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the outcome and observe how easily you are able to
fulfill your desires while maintaining your center,
even in the midst of confusion and turbulence.
Introduce the mantra that resonates with the Law of
Detachment to remind you to relinquish your need to
control, thereby allowing creative solutions to emerge
from the wisdom of uncertainty.

Om Anandham Namah
My actions are blissfully free from
attachment to outcome

Law 7. The Law of Dharma

(or Purpose in Life)

The seventh spiritual law is the Law of Dharma, which
states that every sentient being has a purpose in life. You
have unique abilities and your own way of expressing
them. There are needs in this world for which your spe-
cific talents are ideally suited, and when the world’s
needs are matched with the creative expression of your
talents, your purpose—your dharma—is realized.
To be in dharma, your life force must flow effortlessly
without interference. The practice of yoga provides a
direct mechanism to release energy blockages in your
body. When obstacles to the flow of your vital energy are
removed, you become capable of expressing more
expanded aspects of your self. Increasing compassion,
wisdom, and playfulness are evidence that your life is
flowing in accordance with the Law of Dharma.
There are three major components to the Law of

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga 69
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