The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

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your body with awareness and impeccability is the
essence of a life in harmony with the laws of nature.
Every cell, tissue, and organ in your body has its dharma,
which is to perform its unique function while supporting
the wholeness of the body. The digestive tract performs its
job of secreting gastric juices, moving food along its
pathway, absorbing nutrients, and eliminating toxins.
The endocrine system secretes its vital hormones that
regulate metabolism, reproduction, growth, and repair.
The circulatory system regulates blood pressure and car-
diac output. While each of these systems has its specific
role to perform, the essential purpose of their existence is
to support the whole physiology.
Your practice of yoga supports the dharma of your
body. When life energy is flowing effortlessly through
every cell, tissue, and organ, the dharma of each is being
fulfilled. When as a result of the flexibility, balance, and
strength gained during your yoga practice you are effort-
lessly able to express your talents in the world, you are
aligned with the Law of Dharma. When you allow the
intelligence and vital energy of nature to flow through
you, you are reminded of your highest purpose—serving
the world and supporting the evolutionary flow
of life.

Put the Law of Dharma into effect in your yoga practice
and in your life by commiting to the following three

  1. Pay attention to the quiet stillness within you that
    animates your body and mind. During your yoga prac-
    tice and during the day, bring your attention to the
    silent witness that observes your thoughts and actions.

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga 71
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