The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

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constricted to expanded awareness, meditation offers the
most direct path to awakening the Law of Pure Potential-
ity in your life.
Your choices are limited while your mind is engaged in
a particular memory or desire. People frequently get
caught in habitual ruts of thinking, believing that they are
stuck in a situation because they cannot imagine any
other possibilities. Accessing the field of pure potentiality
by going beyond conditioning through meditation opens
up creative possibilities that previously were unavailable.
Meditation can take many different forms, but there is
a common theme. In every technique of meditation, the
process takes you out of the conditioned mind and opens
up access to the nonconditioned mind. This is accom-
plished by experiencing a thought in its less distinct,
more refined aspects until eventually you experience the
thought as it emerges from the nonlocal field of your
awareness. As you become increasingly familiar with the
experience of thoughts condensing from consciousness,
your identity begins shifting from your mind to your soul.
You can focus on and refine your perception of
objects in any sensory modality. You can use music,
chanting, drumming, or the sound of your own breath as
a focus of your attention in meditation. You can use
visual symbols, a candle flame, pictures of people you
love, or a sunset to expand your consciousness. You can go
from local to nonlocal awareness through the sense of
touch—from therapeutic massage to sexual rapture. You
can even momentarily go beyond time and space through
the sense of taste and smell.
For every experience in the mind, it is possible to
refine that experience so your awareness is less constricted

Meditation 79
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