
(singke) #1

and honor the logos.

  1. Not to live as if you had endless years ahead of you.
    Death overshadows you. While you’re alive and able—be

  2. The tranquillity that comes when you stop caring what
    they say. Or think, or do. Only what you do. (Is this fair? Is
    this the right thing to do?)

<... > not to be distracted by their darkness. To run
straight for the finish line, unswerving.

  1. People who are excited by posthumous fame forget that
    the people who remember them will soon die too. And those
    after them in turn. Until their memory, passed from one to
    another like a candle flame, gutters and goes out.

But suppose that those who remembered you were
immortal and your memory undying. What good would it do
you? And I don’t just mean when you’re dead, but in your
own lifetime. What use is praise, except to make your
lifestyle a little more comfortable?

“ You’re out of step—neglecting the gifts of nature to hand
on someone’s words in the future. “

  1. Beautiful things of any kind are beautiful in themselves

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