That’s all there is.
And the gods? Well, you could try being simpler, gentler.
Even now.
A hundred years or three.... No difference.
- If they’ve injured you, then they’re the ones who suffer
for it.
But have they?
- Either all things spring from one intelligent source and
form a single body (and the part should accept the actions of
the whole) or there are only atoms, joining and splitting
forever, and nothing else.
So why feel anxiety?
Say to your mind: Are you dead? damaged? brutal?
Are you one of the herd? or grazing like one?
- Either the gods have power or they don’t. If they don’t,
why pray? If they do, then why not pray for something else
instead of for things to happen or not to happen? Pray not to
feel fear. Or desire, or grief. If the gods can do anything, they
can surely do that for us.