
(singke) #1

7.43 No chorus of lamentation: This might be a quotation, like the preceding
entries, but if so, we do not know its source.

7.44 “Then the only proper response.. .”: Plato, Apology 28b.

7.45 “It’s like this.. .”: Ibid., 28d.

7.46 “But, my good friend.. .”: Plato, Gorgias 512d.

7.48 [Plato has it right]: The passage that follows does not correspond to
anything in Plato’s preserved writings, and it seems likely that the
phrase was inserted by a later reader who mistook it for a quotation.

7.50 “Earth’s offspring.. .”: Euripides, frg. 839 (from the lost Chrysippus).

7.51 “... with food and drink.. .”: Euripides, Suppliants 1110–1111.

7.51a “To labor cheerfully.. .”: From an unknown tragedy.

7.63 “Against our will.. .”: Epictetus, Discourses 1.28.4 (also 2.22.37),
paraphrasing Plato, Sophist 228c.

7.64 what Epicurus said: Epicurus frg. 447.

7.66 by spending the night out in the cold: This anecdote is told by Alcibiades in
Plato’s Symposium (220).
the man from Salamis: During the brief reign of the “Thirty Tyrants” at
Athens, Socrates was ordered to collaborate with the regime by arresting a
certain Leon, but refused; the story is told in Plato’s Apology (32c).
“swaggered about the streets”: A line from Aristophanes’ comedy
Clouds (362), which pokes fun at Socrates.

8.25 Verus... Lucilla: Marcus’s parents.

Hadrian: Most likely this refers to the rhetorician (Hadrian 1) rather than
the emperor (Hadrian 2).
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