The Times Magazine - UK (2022-01-08)

(EriveltonMoraes) #1
32 The Times Magazine


Makes 10 small pancakes
(page 29)

These fluffy, American-style
pancakes are great on their own
and even better with honey.
There isn’t a strong flavour of
peanut butter, just a nutty
background taste.

  • 2 ripe bananas, peeled

  • 2 eggs

  • 2 heaped tbsp smooth
    peanut butter

  • 1 x 400g tin of rice pudding

  • 2 tsp caster sugar

  • 150g plain flour

  • Butter, for frying

  • Runny honey (optional)

  1. Break the bananas into a
    mixing bowl and mash with
    a fork until smooth.

  2. Beat the eggs into the banana,
    then whisk in the peanut butter,
    rice pudding, sugar and flour.
    Make sure all the ingredients
    are thoroughly combined.

  3. Melt a knob of butter in a large
    nonstick frying pan on a medium
    heat and ladle in 2 or 3 puddles
    of the mixture at a time. Fry on
    a medium heat for 2-3 minutes
    on each side, until golden all
    over. Repeat until you have
    used all the batter.
    4. Remove to a plate, drizzle over
    a little honey, if using, and serve.

Serves 3-4

A savoury version of a bread and
butter pudding. For vegetarians,
just leave out the ham.

  • 3-4 small croissants (depending
    on the size of your pan)

  • 3-4 baked ham slices

  • 3-4 gouda or mature
    cheddar slices

  • 30g butter

  • 3 eggs

  • 100ml whole milk

  • Salt and black pepper

  1. Slice open the croissants and
    place a slice of ham and a slice
    of cheese in each.

  2. Close the croissants and press
    them down firmly with your hands
    so that they’re flat. Cut the filled
    croissants across their width.

  3. Heat the butter in a frying or
    sauté pan with a lid (or you can
    use foil). Arrange the croissants so
    that they’re evenly spaced in the
    pan and fry on a medium heat,
    lid off, for 2 minutes on each side.

  4. In the meantime, beat together
    the eggs and milk. Season.

  5. Pour the egg mixture around
    the croissants and place the lid on

the pan. If you don’t have a lid,
carefully cover the pan with foil.

  1. Cook for about 7 minutes,
    adjusting the heat up or down if
    the egg is cooking too slowly or
    too fast – it’s ready when the egg
    on top is set. To test, lift the pan
    and swirl it around a little to see
    if the egg is still runny. When it’s
    ready, season with a little more
    black pepper, if you wish, then
    cut and serve immediately.


Makes 1 wrap

This is the perfect brunch or
breakfast. You can add whatever
topping you like. I’ve used
avocado but tomato, mushrooms,
and sausages are all good too.

  • Olive oil, for frying

  • 2 smoked back bacon rashers

  • 2 eggs

  • 1 tbsp whole milk

  • Salt and black pepper

  • 1 flour tortilla

  • Half an avocado, sliced,
    to serve

  1. Drizzle a little oil into a nonstick
    frying pan with a base the size of
    a tortilla and place it on a medium
    heat. Add the bacon and fry for
    5 minutes, turning a couple of
    times, until crisp. Remove from

the frying pan and set aside.

  1. Beat the eggs with the milk
    and a little salt and pepper.

  2. Brush the remaining bacon
    fat around the pan and pour in
    the egg. Roll it around so that
    the bottom of the pan is covered.
    Fry on a medium heat for a
    minute or two, until the egg
    is cooked on the underside (it
    should slide easily around the
    pan once you’ve loosened the
    edges). Flip the omelette over and
    cook for 1-2 minutes on the other
    side, until golden.

  3. Place a tortilla on top of the
    cooked omelette.

  4. Place the palm of your hand
    on top of the tortilla and invert
    the pan to turn out the contents
    (alternatively, invert directly onto
    a plate). Slide the tortilla and
    omelette back into the pan so that
    the tortilla is now on the bottom.

  5. Fry for 2 minutes, until the
    tortilla starts to crisp.

  6. Arrange the bacon slices in
    the middle of the egg and lay the
    avocado slices over the top. Slide
    the tortilla onto a plate and fold
    in the sides to serve. n

Extracted from Hob
by Amy Sheppard,
published by
Absolute (£18.99)




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