❏ There is no failure, only feedback, and consequently we are
always learning if we choose to think this way.
❏ Behind all behavior is a positive intention if we want to find it.
❏ The significance of our communication is not in its intention
but its effect.
❏ There is a solution to every problem.
❏ The person with the most flexibility in thinking and
behavior has the best chance of succeeding.
❏ Mind and body are one and each influences the state of the
❏ We have all the resources we will ever need within
ourselves right now.
❏ We learn by doing, reviewing, theorizing, choosing, and
acting again—learning is an active process.
❏ Knowledge, thought, memory, and imagination are the
result of sequences and combinations of ways of filtering
and storing information—they are strategies we have
developed, often unconsciously, to deal with life as we
have experienced it.
❏ If we do what we have always done we will get what we have
always got, so if what we are doing is not working we need
to do something different.
❏ Our influence comes from within ourselves.
❏ The only person in the world we can change is ourselves.
These beliefs are explained in detail throughout the book and
some particularly in Chapter 14.
People and organizations who achieve excellence are also
capable of:
❏ Sensitivity toward themselves and others. They are able to
recognize changes in their own and others' states and
respond to those changes. They consistently put
themselves in the shoes of the people with whom they are
dealing, in order to know and take responsibility for the
effect of their communication.
❏ Flexibility in being able to change what they are doing and
how they are doing it when what they are doing isn't
working. As a comparison, for years people in some market