6 Think of something you are in the process of buying: a car, a house, a book, an item of clothing (it
could be anything). Which of the following are you doing?
a Looking for aspects of this purchase that are the same as similar purchases you have made before.
b Thinking the purchase through to discover in what ways it doesn’t meet your needs.
c Comparing the purchase with a mental or actual list of characteristics you want to have.
d Searching for something that is different to what you have had before.
e Seeking to find out how this product matches up to similar products.
fWanting something that is unique.
7 In conversation, which of the following applies to you?
aYou like a good argument.
bYou look for a common agenda.
cYou push for agreement.
dYou test out someone else’s views to find out where they are wrong.
eYou find yourself using the expression “Yes, but...”
fYou find that you are usually in the company of people who share your ideas.
8 Think of yourself in relation to the other people with whom you have contact at work.
a Do you consider yourself to be quite different to the rest?
bWould you say you are very like the other people?
c Do you think you stand out from the rest in any of the following ways: what you do, what you
wear, how you approach situations and work, how you behave, the skills you have?
d Do find you have a lot in common with them?
e Do you feel somewhat of an odd one out in any respect?
f Do you find that you generally work harmoniously with them?
9Write down three or four sentences describing your home to someone who has never been there