NLP At Work : The Difference That Makes the Difference in Business

(Steven Felgate) #1


Questionnaire analysis

In this analysis the question numbers are grouped under the particular filters to which they most relate.
This is not a definitive analysis—it is a pointer to some of the patterns in your thinking. The aim of the
questionnaire is to raise your awareness of what you and others actually do.

Away from/towards thinking
Questions 1, 2, 3 and 4 relate to the “away from” or “towards” ways of thinking. Circle the letters of all
the answers you ticked:

Away from Towards
Question 1 b a
Question 2 b a
Question 3 a b
Question 4 b a

Add up the number of letters circled in each column and write the total at the bottom. The column with the
greatest number of ticks indicates your likely preference. If the scores are equal then it is likely that you
use both ways of thinking. If there is a significantly higher score in one column than the other then this
indicates a strong preference.

Match/mismatch thinking
Match/mismatch is analyzed in questions 5, 6, 7 and 8.
In question 5 your preference for match or mismatch is indicated by whether you identified what was
similar in each of the shapes, for example:

a They are all rectangles, they all have four corners, they all have straight sides.
b They are all circles.
c They are all arrows, they all point roughly upwards.
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