NLP At Work : The Difference That Makes the Difference in Business

(Steven Felgate) #1
Learning to be aware of body language and the differences
between one person and the next and one culture and the next
creates a marked improvement in how well we understand and
influence other people and they us. Some people seem to
have a natural ability to influence, creating a climate of instant
rapport in which all parties feel at ease with each other. Others
may find these people eminently approachable, easy to talk to
on any issue with an obvious advantage in any negotiating,
communicating, or influencing situation.
Among the first to publish material dealing with these
issues was Albert Mehrabian in 1972. In a series of controlled
experiments, he was able to demonstrate that non-verbal
signals were significantly more influential than other stimuli.
Mehrabian concentrated on the face as the source of the
nonverbal information. Other researchers have since
demonstrated similar results with the other elements of
nonverbal behavior. The outstanding conclusion that has been
reached by many of these researchers is that typically more


Our influence lies outside the
actual words

The importance of reading body language



Content—the words only
Vocal influence—intonation, tone, accent, rhythm, pauses, stresses
Nonverbal influences—facial expression, eye movements, muscle movements, skin color
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