NLP At Work : The Difference That Makes the Difference in Business

(Steven Felgate) #1
The power of language

“Language and word choice form a manager’s primary tool.
Used wisely, sound guidance can grow from the seeds of aligned
words. Used poorly and all you get are weeds.”
Michael Lissack and Johan Roos, The Next Common Sense


n the beginning was the word. Your words are your life.
Your language is an embroidery of patterns of words that
tell your story. Your language is either your gateway to
learning and choice, or your jailer.
In business especially language is a powerful tool. It is the
currency of business transactions. By learning to develop
mastery of your language you can:

❏ Improve the quality of the information you exchange with
others in whatever medium you choose.
❏ Increase the level of understanding you create with your
❏ Influence the outcomes of situations.
❏ Empower yourself and others by challenging the constraints
that show themselves in language.
❏ Bypass conscious resistance by engaging the unconscious
❏ Communicate in a way that is captivating and compelling.
❏ Enrich your language and consequently your life.
❏ Learn what messages you are communicating to others’
unconscious minds and discover if they are those you want
to be communicating.


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