George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography

(Frankie) #1

There is some indication that a Bush double may have made an appearance at the Howard Johnson

Motel in Cheshire, Pennsylvania where Bush was staying. According to the motel manager, Bushdid not check out of his establishment until after 11 PM that night, which cointradicts both Hart and (^)
the Secret Service records.
There are some Secret Service logs that indicate something about Bush visiting Chevy Chase
Country Club in suburban Maryland between 10:30 AM and 11:56 AM on the morning of October19, but this evidence is highly suspect. The records in question appear to have been filled out by an (^)
advance man from Bush's political staff, not a Secret Service agent. The documents are dated one
week after the events in question. Parts of the documentation have been heavily censored and
"redacted." An investigative journalist was unable to find anyone among the personnel of the
country club who could confirm that Bush had been there, and there appear to be no files or recordsat the country club that could prove his presence.
Don Gregg has also attempted to provide his own alibi for October 18-19. This came in a trial in
Portland, Orgeon in April-May, 1990 in which the Bush regime had indicted Richard Brenneke for
perjury allegedly committed in telling the story of the Paris meeting and Bush's presence to afederal judge in a Colorado trial in which Heinrich Rupp had been convicted for bank fraud in (^)
September, 1988. Gregg's story was that he had been at the beach in Delaware with his family
during the period in question, and he produced some photographs he said were made during those
days. Expert witness Bob Lynott, an experienced weatherman, refuted Gregg's testimony by
showing that the weather conditions in Delaware that day did not match those shown bymeteorological records. Gregg was discredited, and Brenneke was acquitted on the charge of (^)
The Bushmen have also brought forward Gordon Crovitz of the Wall Street Journal with a log of
Bush's activities on October 19 that includes a luncheon with former US Supreme Court JusticePotter Stewart of Skull and Bones. But Potter Stewart died in 1985.
Finally Secret Service logs show that Bush arrived at the Capitol Hilton to speak before the Zionist
Association of America at either 7 PM or 8:12 PM, depending on which Secret Service records are
consulted. [fn 42]
If Bush had flown to Paris by private or military jet and returned the same way, or if he had
returned by the Concorde or some other type of commercial jetliner, there would have been ample
time for him to proceed to Paris and participate in the consultations described. There is another
intriguing possibility: during this same period of 24 hoursadversary of Bani-Sadr and puppet of Khomeini, was in New York preparing to depart for Algiers, Iranian Prime Minister Ali Rajai, an (^)
after consultations at the United Nations. Rajai had refused all contact with the Carter, Muskie and
other US officials, but he may have been more interested in meeting Bush or one of his
Between October 21 and October 23, Israel despatched a planeload of much-needed F-4 Phantom
jet spare parts it Iran in violation of the US arms boycott. Who in Washington had sanctioned these
shipments? In Teheran, the US hostages were reportedly dispersed into a multitude of locations on
October 22. Also on October 22, Prime Minister Rajai, back from New York and Algiers,
announced that Iran wanted neither American spare parts nor American arms. The Iranian approachto the ongoing contacts with the Carter Administration now began to favor evasive delaying tactics. (^)
There were multiple indications that Khomeini had decided that Reagan-Bush was a better bet than
Carter, and that Reagan-Bush had made the more generous offer.
Barbara Honegger, then an official of the Reagan-Bush campaign recalls that "on October 24th or

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