The Observer (2022-01-09)

(EriveltonMoraes) #1
The Observer
Focus 09.01.22 33

The epic struggle for

America’s soul is only

just getting started

want Liz Cheney
ejected from the
Republican party
for investigating
the Capitol

June 2020: Mark
and Patricia
McCloskey point
guns at BLM
protesters in
St Louis. Laurie

The Robert E
Lee statue in
Virginia, which
was removed in
September 2021.

Protests in June
2020 after the
death of George

The storming of
the Capitol in
Rex, Reuters,


s democracy in America
really on the brink of col-
lapse? A lot of serious peo-
ple appear to think so. Last
week’s fi rst anniversary of
the Capitol Hill insurrec-
tion, viewed by Democrats as a coup
attempt incited by Donald Trump,
has sparked a torrent of nerv-
ous speculation that it could hap-
pen again before, during or after the
2024 presidential election – and that
next time, the coup may succeed.
One unhappy fact underpins
this alarming scenario: many, per-
haps most, voters have lost trust in
the democratic system that governs
them. A majority of Republicans
believe Trump’s “big lie” – that
Joe Biden stole the 2020 election.
Democrats cite elections in 2000
and 2016 when Al Gore and Hillary
Clinton respectively won the popu-
lar vote but were denied the presi-
dency. Each side accuses the other of
fraud and bad faith.
A new USA Today/Suffolk
University poll found eight in 10
Republicans, Democrats and inde-
pendents are worried about the
future of American democracy. But
they disagree over the causes – and
who’s to blame : 85% of Democrats
call the Capitol rioters “criminals” ;
two-thirds of Republicans believe
“they went too far but had a point”.
“Only free and fair elections
in which the loser abides by the
result stand between each of us
and life at the mercy of a despotic
regime,” warns Harvard law profes-
sor Laurence Tribe. But increasingly,
for today’s politicians honourable
defeat is a wholly foreign concept.
This chronic loss of institutional
trust and credibility, also tainting a
politicised, conservative-dominated
supreme court, refl ects a society
more openly riven by longstanding
cultural, racial and religious ani-
mosities – and one in which
income, wealth and
health inequalities are
growing. These divi-
sions are in turn
wilfully exacer-
bated by right-
wing broadcast
and online media,
bloggers and
internet trolls.
A Republican
party mostly in thrall
to Trump’s lies, delu-

sions and conspiracy theories is cre-
ating a world of “alternative facts”,
says columnist Thomas Friedman.
If they succeed in replacing truth,
“America isn’t just in trouble. It is
headed for what scientists call ‘an
extinction-level event’”.
Jedediah Britton-Purdy, a
Columbia law professor , is similarly
apocalyptic. “One thing Democrats
and Republicans share is the belief
that, to save the country, the other
side must not be allowed to win ...
Every election is an existential cri-
sis,” he wrote.
“We should stop underestimat-
ing the threat facing the country,” a
grim New York Times editorial thun-
dered last week. “January 6 is not
in the past; it is every day. It is reg-
ular citizens who threaten election
offi cials, who ask ‘when can we use
the guns?’, who vow to murder pol-
iticians who dare to vote their con-
science. It is Republican lawmakers
scrambling to make it harder for
people to vote and subvert their will
if they do. It is Trump who stokes
the fl ames of confl ict.” Democracy, it
said, was in “grave danger”.
Systemic violence that over-
whelms conventional politics may
be near at hand. “ We are closer to
civil war than any of us would like
to believe,” says Barbara Walter, a
California politics professor.
No one is talking about a re make
of the 1861-65 US civil war. Instead,
as in Ukraine or Libya, an “open
insurgency” , as defi ned by Walter,
would likely involve (at least ini-
tially), militias and their support-
ers pursuing forms of asymmetrical
warfare – terrorist acts, bombings,
assassinations, kidnappings. That
said, echoes of Confederate-era
secessionism are once again heard
in Texas and elsewhere.
When the warlike rhetoric of
Charlottesville-style paramili-
tary white supremacists, the high
nationwide incidence of gun owner-
ship and, for example, worries about
far-right cells within the US military
are factored in, civil war scenarios
do not appear so implausible.
“Only a spark is needed, one
major domestic terrorist event that
shifts the perception of the country,”
analyst S tephen Marche wrote last
week. Marche quotes a military his-
tory professor and Iraq war veteran,
Col Peter Mansoor, who tells him: “It
would not be like the fi rst civil war,
with armies on the battlefi eld. I think
it would very much be a free-for-all,
neighbour on neighbour, based on
beliefs and skin colours and religion.
And it would be horrifi c.”
So what is to be done?
Columbia’s Britton-Purdy says
America’s democracy is failing
because it is not democratic enough.

Old saws about the “tyranny of the
majority”, propagated by founding
father James Madison, among oth-
ers, are redundant. The electoral col-
lege, which can override the popular
vote, should be abolished, the fran-
chise widened, and constitutional
amendments curbing money in pol-
itics, banning gerrymandering and
enshrining abortion rights should
be voted on by all, he argued.
Cynthia Miller-Idriss, author
of Hate in the Homeland , says a
key problem is the “mainstream-
ing of far-right extremism” during
Trump’s presidency. She advocates
investment to strengthen communi-
ties and improve media literacy and
education. Friedman wants corpo-
rate America to cut funding to anti-
democratic Republicans. “Civil war
is bad for business,” he wrote. Just
look at Lebanon.
Senator Bernie Sanders says rad-
ical change is the only answer.
“At a time when the demagogues
want to divide us ... we must build
an unstoppable grassroots move-
ment that helps create the kind of
nation we know we can become,” he
says. Yet many Americans, includ-
ing moderate Democrats, fi nd the
progressive left’s “transformational”
agenda deeply disturbing.


arvard’s Laurence
Tribe and fellow
lawyers say that for
democracy and the
rule of law to sur-
vive, there must
be accountability. That requires,
in addition to the Congressional
inquiry, “a robust criminal investi-
gation” into all those responsible for
6 January – including Trump. In a
tougher than usual speech marking
the anniversary, Biden condemned
“the former president’s web of lies”

  • but gave no hint of legal or other
    action to punish or restrain him.
    What would Alexis de Tocqueville ,
    author of the famous study,
    Democracy in America , make of the
    present-day US? The French aris-
    tocrat and political scientist trav-
    elled the country in 1831-2, talking
    to people about governance and citi-
    zenship. He concluded, broadly, that
    democracy was an unstoppable, lev-
    elling historical trend that would
    eventually conquer the world.
    Until relatively recently, many in
    the west still held to that view. Now,
    with the rise of China and other
    powerful authoritarian regimes,
    optimism is fading – and America,
    the global paradigm, is itself under
    the reactionary hammer. Has De
    Tocqueville’s dream been exploded?
    Not yet. The epic struggle for
    America’s democratic soul is
    just getting started. For a watch-
    ing world, the stakes are high, too.
    Where would Britain, Europe and
    all the globe’s democracies, actual
    and aspiring, be without the fl awed
    but inspiring US example, without
    the “arsenal of democracy” to justify
    and fortify their political universe?
    Best ask Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin
    and other despots. They are betting
    the ranch on the failure of American
    democracy – and aim to profi t
    greatly thereby.

unsympathetic might all become
potential assassination targets.
“I could also imagine situations
where militias, in conjunction with
law enforcement in those areas,
carve out little white ethnostates in
areas where that’s possible because
of the way power is divided here in
the United States. It would certainly
not look anything like the civil war
that happened in the 1860s.”


alter notes
that most
people tend
to assume
civil wars
are started
by the poor or oppressed. Not so.
In America’s case, it is a backlash
from a white majority destined to
become a minority by around 2045,
an eclipse symboli sed by Barack
Obama’s election in 2008.
The academic said: “The groups
that tend to start civil wars are the
groups that were once dominant
politically but are in decline. They’ve
either lost political power or they’re
losing political power and they truly
believe that the country is theirs by
right and they are justifi ed in using



Continued on page 34

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