Index 347
Comte and 57, 58
economic analysis and 59
end of ideology and 27–8, 55–6 (seeideology)
Enlightenment and 52–3
epistemology of 60–1
explanation and understanding 60
facts and values 57–8
historical theory and 64
hypothetico-deductive method and 60
informal politics and 60
institutional theory and 51, 64
Kant and 57, 58
logical positivism and 60, 108
ontology and 60–1
political economy 52, 53
political science 52–4
positivism 56–8, 108
post-behaviouralism 52, 59–60, 79
post-empiricism 60–1, 64, 78
public choice 62
rational choice 61–5
end of ideology 27–8, 55–6, 92
Enlightenment 52–3, 65, 185, 225
environmentalism 76
essential contestability 98–104, 108–9, 133, 141–3
as linguistic idealism 96
as metaphysical position 100
Begriffsgeschichteand 101–2
Connolly 100–1, 250
critique of 100–4
essences 98
Gallie and 98–100
John Gray and 100, 103–4
justice theory and 109, 132–5, 141–2
language games and 97
Lyotard and 101
negative views 102–4
positive views 100–2
reconstruction theory and 102–3
Rorty and 101
Sattelzeitand 102
value cognitivism and 103
ethic of care and justice 130
ethical pluralism 94
Etzioni, A. 155, 156, 170
Eulau, H. 56
evolutionary theory 94
Fabianism 32, 169
Farr, J. 66, 77
fascism 94
Feigl, Herbert 86
feminism 94, 127–30, 223–6
Ferguson, A. 52
Feyerabend, P. 60, 283, 302
Fichte, J. G. 27
Figgis, J. N. 210, 211
Flathman, R. 107
Foucault, M. 27, 69, 85, 225–6, 229, 230, 247–50,
255, 266, 271, 273
biopower 249
body and 249
Enlightenment and 250
genealogy 100, 247, 248, 249, 250
governance 249
history 248, 250
Kant and 248
knowledge 249, 250
language 249
metaphysics 247, 248, 250
Nietzsche and 247–8
on the author 248
perspectivism 247
power 248, 249–50
progress 250
self 248, 249
sexuality 249
sovereignty 249–50
Foundationalism 3–7, 11–12, 319–21, 324–6
anti-foundationalism 4, 12–13, 14, 321
bleached 14, 108–38, 319–20
circular foundations 14, 321–4
comprehensive 3, 4, 319–20
conventionalism 13–14, 44, 143–5, 207–9,
227–8, 232, 320
critique of metaphysics and 86
degrees of truth and reality 4
dialogic and 14, 217–318, 320–1
immanent 3, 4, 12, 13, 319–20
logical 3, 6, 170, 319
metaphysics and 3, 4, 6–7, 86
perfectionist 4
perspectivism and 233–4, 237, 238, 320
post-metaphysics and 4, 12–13, 14, 320–1
postmodernism and 232–68
segmented 207–31
thick and thin 19
transcendental 4
Fourier, C. 27
Frege, G. 86
Freud, S. 236
Fukuyama, F. 80