354 Index
Soffer, R. 76–7
Sorel, G. 35
Sorley,W.R. 145
Spencer, H. 8, 94, 123
Squires, J. 230
Staatslehre 28–30, 34, 35, 36, 48, 50, 53–4
State theory 20, 28–37 (seeinstitutional
political theory)
Aristotle 34
bringing state back in 36
citizenship education 32
civics 32
classical political theory and 33–4
comparative politics 35
constitutional studies 35
contest of the faculties 33
creative 33
decline of 34
empirical method and 34
Greek and Roman 33
is and ought dimensions 34–5
new institutionalism and 36
philosophy of 35
political pluralism and 34
political science and 32–3 (seeempirical
political sociology and 35
scepticism of 34
science of 34
Second World War and 34
sovereignty 33
Staatslehre28–30, 34, 35, 36, 48, 50, 53–4
state-making 31
strategic 33
Stein, Lorenz von 75
Strauss, L. 21–2, 24, 41, 42–3, 56, 64, 70, 75, 77,
92, 93
Straussians 22, 43, 50
Strawson, P. F. 89–90
structuralism 265–6
Stubbs, W. 30
Sunstein, C. 192
Tamir, Yael, 173
Taylor, C. 95, 97, 134, 138, 155, 157, 160, 190, 197,
218–19, 222, 230, 290
Teleocratic order 152
Theoria 8
theory 7–10, 15
Tocqueville, Alexis de 27
Tönnies, F. 23, 29, 157
Truman, D. 54
Tuck, R. 47, 93, 94
Tullock, G. 61
Tully, J. 47, 67, 101, 231
Turgot, A. R. J. 52, 78
utilitarianism 63, 120–4, 184, 207, 320
Verstehen 98
Vietnam war 59, 96
Viroli, M. 190, 192, 196–8, 203, 290
Voegelin, E. 23, 41, 54, 70, 78, 94
Waismann, F. 86
Wallace, W. 145
Wallas, G. 35
Walzer, M. 113, 130–2, 155, 157, 161, 162,
168, 229
Warnock, G. J. 106
Watson, J. B. 55
Watson, John 145
Webb, Sidney 32
Weber, Max 23, 57–8
Weil, S. 3, 24
Weldon, T. D. 80, 90–1, 94–5, 97, 105, 106
Whitehead, Alfred North 86, 106
Willoughby, W. W. 30
Wilson, Woodrow 30
Winch, P. 60, 96, 97
Wittgenstein, L. 12, 70, 83–4, 87–8, 90–1, 95–105,
141–3, 170, 186, 254, 273, 274, 284, 312–13
Wittgensteinianism 84, 95–100, 143
depth grammar 97
essential contestability 98–100
forms of life 97
Gallie 98–100
Hegelianism and 98
human action 97
language games 97
linguistic idealism and 96
normativism 98
Oakeshott and 98
private language argument 96–7
Verstehenand 98
Wollstonecraft, M. 130
Woosley, T. D. 30
Wootton, D. 77
Yack, B. 182–3
Young, Iris Marion 225, 231