I 8
Blanquart-Évrard, Louis-Désiré (continued)
publications, 168
Sutton, Thomas, Establishment for
Permanent Positive Printing, 1365
Blossfeldt, Karl, botanical photography, 195
Blurring, Watzek, Hans, 1480
Boas, Franz, 52, 53
Bock, Alfred, 169
Bock, Thomas, 169
Bock, William, 169
Boer War, 1470
Nicholls, Horace Walter, 1000
war photography, 1000
Bogardus, Abraham, 169
Bolas, Thomas, 169–170
chemical practice, 170
detective cameras, 170
as editor/writer/publisher, 170
lighting, 170
scientifi c journalism, 170
Boldyrjev, Ivan Vasiljevich, 170–172
biography, 172
ethnographic photography, 171
lenses, 171
technical potentialities, 171
Don kazaks, 171
pioneer of Russian realistic photography,
Bolivia, Villalba, Ricardo, 1455
Bologna, 1298, 1299
Bonaparte, Prince Roland, 172, 173
anthropological photography, 172, 173
Bonfi ls, Félix-Adrien, 173–175, 174, 174
Beirut, 173–174
Bonfi ls, Marie-Lydie Cabanis, 174
woman photographer, 174
Bonnard, Pierre, 175–177, 550
biography, 176–177
compositional variations, 176
Kodak cameras, 175, 176
photographic experiments, 175, 176
subjects, 176
technically, 176
Book cameras, 253
Bookshops, photographic retailing, 1093–1094
Books illustrated with photographs
1840s, 187–188
1850s, 188–189
fi rst sales catalogue, 188
portfolios of captioned photographs, 188
single tipped-in photograph, 188
1860s, 189–190
biography, 190
carbon print, 190
growth, 189
marketing strategies, 190
physical form, 189–190
reprographic processes, 189
technological and economic aspects, 189
Woodburytypes, 190
1870s, 190–192
art serial reproducing well-known
paintings, 191
carbon transfer process, 191
collotypes, 191
commercial success, 191
photolithography, 191
print processes, 191
Woodburytypes, 191
1890s, 192–193
American West, 192
book topics, 192
children’s books, 192–193
photomechanically reproduced
illustrations, 192
regional photographers, 192
travel books, 192
art reproductions, 190
celebrities, 190
early, 187
fi rst, 360
Hentschel, Carl, 651
Hugo, Victor, 721
portraits, 190
Bool, Alfred, 193
Bool, John, 193
Bosnia, 1038
Boston Camera Company, 251
Botanical photography, 193–195, 194, 203,
204, 1099
Atkins, Anna Children, 93, 93–95, 195
cyanotypes, 93–94
draftsman of scientifi c specimens, 93
photogenic drawings, 93–94
Blossfeldt, Karl, 195
Braun, Adolphe, 194–195
Charles, Aubrey, 195
Hauron, André Louis Ducos Du, 194
Llewelyn, John Dillwyn, 866
fi rst botanical photographer, 866
prototypes, 194
Sidebotham, Joseph, 1266
sources, 194
Talbot, William Henry Fox, 194
Walter, Charles, 1466
Bothamley, C.H., 1258
Boudoir portraits, 694
Le Boulevard, Carjat, Etienne, 273
Bour, Marie Eugène, 87
Bourdin, Jules André Gabriel, 195–196
camera design, 195–196
Dubroni No. 1, 195–196
fi rst instant picture camera, 195–196
Bourne, John Cooke, 196
camera design, 196
engravers, 196
Bourne, Samuel, 425, 949–950
India, 692
Boutan, Louis, 1416–1417
Box cameras, 80
Box-form plate cameras, 250, 254
Box-form stereoscopes, 1452
Boyer, Alden Scott, 197
photography collections, 197
Bradley, Edward, see Bede, Cuthbert
Bradley and Rulofson, 968
Brady, Mathew B., 115, 197–200, 198, 223,
224, 426, 678, 939, 1424, 1425
albumen prints, 198, 199
awards, 197
biography, 199–200
camera operators, 197
carte-de-visite, 198, 199
Civil War, 198–199, 200, 690, 855, 1427–
1428, 1468–1469
Brown, James Sydney, 223, 224
celebrity photography, 280
daguerreotypes, 197–200, 198
early life, 197, 199
gallery managers, 197
The Gallery of Illustrious Americans, 187,
Gardner, Alexander, 570
O’Sullivan, Timothy Henry, 1017
photography collections, 199, 200
photos reproduced, 198
portraits, 197, 198, 689
salt prints, 198, 199
Washington studio, 197–198, 199
Bragge, James, 200, 994–995
New Zealand, 200
Branding, 9
Brandseph, Georg Friedrich, 200–201
Brandt, Christian Friedrich, 201
art reproductions, 201
interpretation of late medieval sculpture,
military photography, 201
Braquehais, Auguste Bruno, 201–202
biography, 202
daguerreotypes, 201, 202
nude fi gure studies, 201, 202
Paris Commune, 202
precursor of photojournalism in France,
Brassey, Lady, 203
Braun, Adolphe, 203–205, 205, 271, 822–823,
art reproductions, 203
biography, 204–205
botanical photography, 194–195
carbon printing, 204
developing alternative reproductive
processes, 203
fl oral prints, 203
gravure printing, 204
landscape photography, 203
pantascope, 203
photographic panoramas, 203
photography’s early shift from craft to
manufacture, 203
relationship between art and commerce,
stereographs, 203
still lifes, 1345
Woodburytypes, 204
Braun and Company, 203–205
Brazil, 205–207, 206
daguerreotypes, 206
fi rst Brazilian photographer, 205
Florence, Antoine Hercules Romuald,
Frond, Victor, 562–563
Gaensly, Wilhelm (Guilherme), 565–567,
Henschel, Albert, 651
introduction of photography in, 205–206
Klumb, Revert Henry, 801
Leuzinger, Georg, 852–853
Mulock, Benjamin Robert, 958–959, 959
Pacheco, Joaquim Insley, 1043
Pedro II, 205
Stahl, Théophile Auguste, 1335
pioneering photojournalism, 1335
Vedani, Camillo, 1441
Breath print process, 1156
Breitner, Georg Hendrik, 989
Bresolin, Domenico, 207, 1144
Venice, 207, 1144
Breuning, Wilhelm, 207
portraits, 207
Brewster, Henry Craigie, 207–209
biography, 208–209
calotypes, 208
Brewster, Sir David, 6–7, 207–208, 209–211,
470–471, 1338–1339, 1452
calotypes, 208
career in academia, 209
development of scientifi c instrumentation,
education, 209