
(Wang) #1

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Keith, George Skene, 793, 794
Palestine, 476
Keith, Thomas, 792–794
architectural photography, 792–794
biography, 794
career as doctor, surgeon and gynecologist,
793, 794
landscape photography, 792–794
lighting, 792–793
salted paper prints, 793
waxed paper process, 793–794
Kelaenotypes, 1156
Keller, Ulrich, pictorialism, 1128–1129
Kennett, Richard, 438
Kern, Edward Meyer, 770, 794–795
American West, 794–795
biography, 795
expedition photography
North Pacifi c Expedition at sea, 795
sea routes between California and China,
Far East, 795
survey photography, 794–795
Kerry, Charles, 795–796
Australia, 795–796
lighting, 796
Kilburn, Benjamin West, 796–797
biography, 797
stereoscopic photographers, 796
Kilburn, Douglas Thomas
Australia, 798
Aboriginal peoples, 798
daguerreotypes, 798
fi rst stereoscopic photography, 798
Kilburn, Edward, 796–797
biography, 797
railroad photography, 796–797
stereo views, 796–797
subjects, 797
Kilburn, William Edward, 797
commissions from Prince Albert, 797
royal photographers, 1447
Kilburn brothers
assembly line techniques, 796
stereo publishing, 796–797
Kimbei, Kusakabe, see Kusakabe Kimbei
Kim Yong-Won, 805
Kinder, John, 798, 994
Auckland, 798
Kinematoscope, 941
Kinesigraph cameras, 434–435, 941
Kinetograph cameras, Edison, Thomas Alva,
Kinetoscopes, 434, 435, 875–876, 943
Kinetoscope viewer, Edison, Thomas Alva,
King, Clarence, 580–581, 931, 1018–1020
King, Henry, 798
Australia, 798
King, Horatio Nelson, 798–799
architectural photography, 798
fi rst to introduce photographs in railway
carriages, 798
India, 799
portraits, 798
royal photography, 798
Kinnear, Charles George Hood, 799
camera design, 799
inventor, 799
camera bellows, 799
Kinora domestic fl ip-photo motion picture
viewer, 279
Kinsey, Darius Reynold, 799
logging activities in Pacifi c Northwest, 799

Kinsey & Kinsey photography business, 799
Kirchner, Johanna Frederika Doris (Emma),
Netherlands, 800
Wehnert-Beckmann, Bertha, fi rst female
daguerreotypist of Germany, 799
woman photographer, 799–800
Kite photography, 14
Klösz, György, 728
Klič, Karl Václav, 39–40, 646, 1112, 1359
fi rst widely used mass-production
process, 800
Klič developed process, 800
method, 801
Klumb, Revert Henry, 801
Brazil, 801
landscape photography, 801
Knight, George & Sons, 1093
Knoedler, Michael, 601
Knudsen, Knud, 801–802, 1009
landscape photography, 801–802
Norway, 801–802
Koch, Alexander, 815
Koch, Robert, 802, 1120
founder of bacteriology, 802
photomicrography, 802
scientifi c photography, 802
color therapy, 321
Eastman, George, 464, 465
Eastman Kodak Company, 465
Kodak Bonus, Eastman Kodak Company, 464
Kodak cameras, 9, 250, 254, 463–464, 699–
700, 802–804, 803–804, 1429, see also
Specifi c type
advertising slogan, 804
amateur photographers, 433
Bonnard, Pierre, 175, 176
camera design, 251–252
actions, 251
celluloid roll fi lm, 251
exposures, 251
glass plates, 251
loading or unloading, 251
negatives, 251
panoramic, 251
revolutionary aspect, 251
stereoscopic, 251
very low cost, 252
Great Britain, 611–612
new mass amateur, 612
market, 1279
Middle East, 502
snapshot photography, 1278–1279
Kodak card, 272
The Kodak Manual, 184
The Kodak Primer (Eastman, George), 184
Kodak Research Laboratory, 464, 465
Kodet cameras, 251
Kohlrausch, Ernst, 943–944
Korea, 804–805
amateur Western photographers, 805
fi rst professional Korean photographer, 805
history, 804–805
photographic activity amongst Koreans,
Kossuth, Lajos, 726
Kotzsch, Carl Friedrich August, 806
still lifes, 806
Kraszna-Krausz, Andor, 806–807
biography, 807
editor, 806, 807

fi lm critic, 806, 807
photographic publisher, 806–807
Kromograms, 762
Kromscops, color therapy, 319
Krone, Hermann, 808
astronomical photography, 808
color photography, 808
photographic experimentation, 808
publications, 808
still lifes, 1345–1346
Kruger, Johan Friedrich Carl (Fred), 808
Aboriginal subjects, 808
Australia, 808
landscape photography, 808
Krupp photographic and lithographic institute,
Kuichi, Uchida, see Uchida Kuichi
Kunst für Alle, 226
Kurkdjian, Onnes, 741
Kusakabe Kimbei, 770, 809
Japan, 809
photographic studios, 809
Léon, Moisé, 852
Lévy, Isaac Georges, 852
Lévy & Cie, J., 852
Lacan, Ernest, 811–812, 972, 1066, 1067, 1115
art critic, 811–812
biography, 812
defended photography as art, 811
editor and writer, 811–812
French editor and critic, 811–812
links to Parisian art circles, 812
La Lumière, founder, 811
Le Moniteur de la Photographie, co-
founded, 812
trained as painter, 811
Ladies Nevill, 992
woman photographer, 992
Lafayette, James, 813–814
celebrity photography, 814
idylls, 813
portraits, 813–814
postcards, 814
royal photographers, 813–814
special effects photography, 813
Lafayette studios, 750
Lai Afong, 294
China, 815
most signifi cant Chinese photographer of
19th century, 815
Lai Chong, 293
Laing, James, 941
Lake George, New York, Stieglitz, Alfred, 1342
Lambert, G.R., biography, 816
Lambert, G.R. & Co., 815–816
Malaya, 815–816
operators, 815–816
Singapore, 815–816
Lambert-types, 1157
Lamprey, John, 298, 816–817
ethnological photography, system for
production of anthropometric
photographs, 816–817
Lancaster, James & Sons
English photography studio, 817–818
photographic equipment, 817–818
system of using out-workers, 817
Lancaster, W.J., patents, 817
Landrock, Ernst, Orientalism, 1032
Landscape painting, landscape photography,
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