I 50
Postmortem photography (continued)
mourning cards, 1166
moved from home and family to
institutions, 1166–1167
multiple images, 1166
photographic markets, 898
photographic practices, 1088–1089
portraits, 1164
postcards, 1167
private consumption, 1167
purposes, 1164
seated pose, 1165
sleeping image, 1165
social class, 1164
stock background of fl owers and wreaths,
Potassium bromide, 240–241
Potassium dichromate, 270
Ponton, Mungo
gelatine, 1146
light sensitive qualities, 1146
method made freely available, 1146
Potassium iodide, 240
Potteau, Jacques-Philippe, 1167
anthropological photography, 1167
portraits, 1167
Pouncy, John, 1168–1169
art reproductions, 1168
fi rst to transfer photographic images into
published illustrations, 1168
successful color reproduction, 1168
biography, 1168–1169
carbon process, 1168–1169
lithography, 865
Pou Y Camps, Juan Maria, 1167–1168
daguerreotypes, 1167
exposure, 1167–1168
manuals, 1167
photometers, 1167–1168
bad housing, 63
documentary photography, 423–424, 424,
Powder process, iron, 1156
Powell, Major John Wesley, 662
Prélier, Jean François, 922
A Practical Treatise on Photography Upon
Paper and Glass (Le Gray, Gustave),
The Practice of Photography: A Manual for
Students and Amateurs (Delamotte,
Philip Henry), 179
Prangey, Joseph-Philibert Girault de, 618
Near East, 148
fi rst to photograph everyday life, 148
Praxinoscope, 876, 943, 1193
Presentation, 81
Preservation, 329–333
albumen prints, 330
alternative reality, 331
Australian Institute for Conservation of
Cultural Materials, 332
chemistry of early materials, 330
contemporary photographers who revived
19th century photography processes,
development of new tools, 329
directories, 331
environmental conditions, 330
exhibitions, 332
fading of prints, 330
goals, 331–332
ICOM committee for conservation, 332
institutions, 332–333
photographic journals, 329–330
photographic societies, 330
photography collections, 331–332
preventive conservation strategies, 329
principles of archival processing, 329
scientist, 330
widening of access to early photographs,
Pressed fl owers, 955
Pressure frame, see Printing frame
Prestwich, William Henry, 1169
patents, 1169
Prestwich Manufacturing Co., cinematograph
equipment, 1169
Pretsch, Paul, 646, 1075–1076, 1169–1170
Talbot, William Henry Fox, 1076
Prevost, Charles Henry Victor, 1170–1171
biography, 1171
calotypes, 1170–1171
New York City, 1170, 1171
fi rst paper-based photographs of, 1170
solar eclipse, 1170
Price, William Lake, 609, 960, 1171–1172,
1172, 1374
genre photography, 1171
manuals, 1172
popular lecturer, 1171
portraits, 1171, 1172
Price wars, 469
Primuline process, 1161
The Principles and Practice of Photography
Familiarly Explained (Hughes,
Cornelius Jabez), 719
Pringle, Andrew, 1172
photomicrography, 1172
Print-clips, 955
Print exchanges, 32–33, 608–609
Printing, 1172–1174
printing-out papers, 3, 335, 1174–1175,
categories, 1174
characteristics, 1174
platinum, 1135
sensitivity, 1174
processes, 2, 1052
Printing frames, 1173
accessories, 336
contact printing, 335–337
design, 335–336
patents, 336
specialized, 336–337
Prison panopticon, 671
Pritchard, Henry Baden, 1175–1176
Photographic News, 1176
wrote or edited technical books, 1176
Processing, 533–534, see also Specifi c type
equipment cost, 467
Process photogram, 1176
history, 1176
photomechanical processes, 1176
Professional Photographers’ Association, 475,
Robinson, Ralph Winwood, 1204
Progress of Photography Since 1879 (Vogel,
Hermann Wilhelm), 183
Projecting phenakistiscopes, 445
Projection KROMSKOP, 762
Projection-speed papers, bromide print, 219
Projective geometry, photogrammetry, 1081
Projectors, 944, 1176–1177
color photography, 1177
components, 1176
illuminants, 1177
Promenade portraits, 694
Proto-cinematographers, 941
Prout, Victor Albert, 1178
panoramas, Thames River, 1178
royal photographers, 1178
Prussian blue, 360
Psychiatric photography, Diamond, Hugh
Welch, 415–417
Diamond as father of, 415
functions of psychiatric photography, 416
physiognomy of insanity, 415–417
Psychic photography, 1332–1334, 1333
Publishers, Agnew, Thomas & Sons, 20–21
Puerto Rico, 285
Puliti, Tito, 1178
daguerreotypes, in Tuscany, 1178
Pulman, Elizabeth, 1178–1179
woman photographer, 994, 1178–1179
Pulman, Frederick, 1178–1179
Pulman, George, 1178–1179
indigenous peoples, 1178–1179
New Zealand, 1178–1179
Pumphrey, William, 1179
architectural photography, 1179
Puyo, Émile Joachim Constant, 1073, 1179
articles and books on equipment and
processes, 1179
Photo-Club de Paris, 1179
pictorialism, 1179
Pyne, John Joseph, 1093
Stewart, John, 1341
Vigier, Le Vicomte Joseph, 1453–1454
Pyrogallic acid, 196, 1185
PZ print, 1032
Quality control, science of photography,
quality of surviving imagery, 1254
Livernois, Elise L’Heureux, 866
Livernois, Jules-Ernest, 865–866
Livernois, Jules-Isaïe, 865–866
Quinet, Achille Léon, 1181
animal photography, 1181
fi gure studies, 1181
landscape photography, 1181
Régnault, Henri-Victor, 1185–1186
academic appointments, 1185
biography, 1186
calotypes, 1185–1186
link between British and French
photographic worlds, 1186
photography as tool of empirical science,
Société française de photographie,
presidency, 1185–1186
Société héliographique, founding member,
Röentgen, Wilhelm Conrad, 1205–1206,
biography, 1206
x-rays, 1205
Race, anthropological photography, 51
perceptions of race and culture, 54
Railroad photography, 743, 1090–1091
Baldus, Édouard Denis, 108, 109–110
Caribbean, 283
Central America, 283
Chile, 291–292
Haynes, Frank Jay, 643–644