Nietzsche: A Philosophical Biography

(Brent) #1

350 Epilogue

shore in front of an immense horizon of sky and sea. Can this immen-
sity be fathomed? Does every thought simply dissolve in the face of
experiencing immensity? Nietzsche was the monk at the sea. He always
had immensity in view and was always prepared to let thinking be sub-
merged in the indeterminable and to reemerge with new attempts at
configuration. Kant had asked whether we ought to leave the terra
firma of reason and venture out into the open sea of the unknown.
Kant had advocated remaining here. Nietzsche, however, ventured out
There is no point of arnval in Nietzsche's philosophy, no outcome,
and no end result There is only the will to an unceasing adventure in
thinking. Sometimes, however, the feeling creeps over us that perhaps
this soul should have sung after alL

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