Nietzsche: A Philosophical Biography

(Brent) #1
Chronicle of Nietzsche 's Life 354

Κ discovers Jean Paul: "The fragments of his works that I have read
appeal to me uncommonly with their blooming, effusive descriptions,
their subde ideas, and their satirical wit" N. is first in his class for sev-
eral years. On his fifteenth birthday, he notes down: "I have been seized
by an inordinate desire for knowledge and universal enlightenment"

Paul Deussen: "We formed a bond of friendship by getting together...
in a solemn hour and agreeing to use the familiar form of address the
way dose friends do, even though the polite form is customary among
the pupils at Pforta. We toasted our friendship not with a drink but by
taking snuff together."

N. discovers Hölderlin, who was almost forgotten at the time. He calls
him his "favorite poet" and writes an essay on him. The teacher's com-
ment: Ί would like to give the author the friendly advice to stick to poets
who are healthier, more lucid, and more German."

Together with a few friends, N. founds the literary club Germania.
According to its statutes: "Anyone is free to submit a musical composi-
tion, a poem, or an essay. However, each member is obliged to complete
at least six essays a year, of which two must deal with contemporary his-
tory or issues of the day."

N. is in the infirmary. "Congestion in my head (headache keeps traveling
to different spots)." N. writes the essay 'Tate and History" and the draft
of a drama, "Ermanarich." Numerous compositions.

From Paul Deussen's memoirs of their time together at the Pforta
school: "His indifference to the everyday interests of his schoolmates
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