Nietzsche: A Philosophical Biography

(Brent) #1

398 Index

Gay Science, The (Die fröhliche
Wissenschaft) (Nietzsche) (continued)
Dionysian in, 79
emotional intensity of thinking
described in, 181
eternal recurrence in, 13,231,235
fifth book of, 264,284,285,298
FN's assessment of, 239,284
FN's divided self in, 26
"instinct to preserve the species"
described in, 235-36
knowledge analyzed in, 236,239-42
love analyzed in, 217
physics praised in, 291
truth examined in, 241-42
waves as symbol in, 21,93,240
"general guilt," 75
genius, 204
ascetics and, 264
of Christianity, 297,339
definition of, 288
mankind justified by, 191
military, 67,70,85
in philosophy, 51-52,53,304
Gennaro, San, 245-46
Genoa, 15,204,206,219,233-34,243,
"gentle" vs. "tough" Nietzscheans, 15n
George, Stefan, 326,334
"George circle," 326,331
German "culture," French "civilization"
and, 120,328,331-32
German Revolution of 1848,90
Germany,Imperial,85,108, 111, 112,117
Germany, Nazi, 332,334-35,340
Gersdorff Carl von, 46-47,54,70,75,
Gierke, Otto von, 329
Gloeden, Wilhelm von, 243
God, 48,110,172,214-15,231,289,
cruelty and, 188
Darwinism and, 113,307
dea di of, 128,232,254,271-72,
evil and, 34,76

in FN's early writings, 34,36,39
organic view as alternative to, 226
relationship between the world and, 76
replaced by freedom, 129
as warrior, 337
wrath of, 189
gods, man's invention of, 174
Goethe,Johann Wolfgang von, 21,51,
"Golden Pot, The" ("Der goldene topf')
(Hoflmann), 57
good and evil, 186,189,301,322
nature and, 152
truth and, 153
see also evil
Götterdämmerung (Wagner), 92
gratitude, as revenge, 187
Gray, Richard T., 12
Great Britain, 329
Greece, ancient, 81-82,87,90,91,99,
and chaos of history, 124
idealization of, 142
philosophers o£, 52,116-17,133,
religion of, 192
see also specific philosophers
"Greek Music Drama" ("Das griechische
Musik drama") (Nietzsche),
"Greek State, The" ("Der griechische
Staat") (Nietzsche), 67,71,73,
Grimm brothers, 90
guilt, compassion and, 166-67
Hamburger, Michael, 317n
Handwerk, Gary, 12
Hardy, Thomas, 329
Hartmann, Eduard von, 123-24,126,157
Haydn, Franz Joseph, 112
Hector, 69
Hegel, G.F.W., 89,110,120-22,123,
Hegelianism, 261
Heidegger, Martin, 14,212,340-45
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