Let God Talk to You: When You Hear Him, You Will Never Be the Same

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Invite God Into Your Heart

In your own words, invite God to come into your heart.
You’re most likely at home, so be as comfortable and current
with God as possible— not thinking about the past or the
future—just be in the moment.

Topics to help you get started include: If you have been
distant from God, tell Him why. If you miss God and want to
renew your friendship, tell Him so. If you have doubts about
Him, express them.
Phrases to help you get started include: “Come in, dear
Jesus.... Father, I need you.... I want to know you better,
Holy Spirit... .”

By acknowledging God’s presence at all times and in all
places, David was safe. He knew there was nowhere he could
go without God’s knowledge of his whereabouts.

Little churchgoing children learn numerous stanzas to the
song “Oh, Be Careful Little Eyes” in order to teach them about
the invisible God, helping them to conceptualize that He sees,
knows, and hears them, even though they can’t see Him:

Oh, be careful little eyes, what you see
Oh, be careful little eyes, what you see

For the Father up above,
Is looking down in love,
So be careful little eyes,
what you see.
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