Let God Talk to You: When You Hear Him, You Will Never Be the Same

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regularly ask of God in prayer, asserting, “Whether we like it or
not, asking is the rule of the kingdom.” 8
In addition to the verses in the New Testament books of
Matthew (7:7–8) and Luke (11:1–13) where Jesus teaches His
disciples and followers to ask, ask, and keep asking,
Philippians 4:6 gives another perspective for asking God: “Do
not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer
and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”
Don’t worry; instead ask. Don’t demand; instead ask. Don’t
assume; instead ask.

The greatest reason you and I should be thrilled to spend
time daily with God, asking Him about everything, is because
He has the answers and the power. We don’t!

After twenty-five years, I’ve received some of the greatest
and most exciting answers to prayer as well as experienced
some of the most disappointing moments when God did not
answer my requests in the manner I had asked or hoped. But I
have never felt abandoned by God—I have learned to trust
what I can’t see and what I know is true: God has a plan. God
loves me. He has the power and the ability to change anything
at any time. I am better off waiting than fretting. I don’t know
the future, but I know that He is trustworthy. I stay close to
Him, even in my disappointments.

I can honestly say that those discouraging times have not
deterred me from continually bringing my numerous requests
to God in daily prayer. In fact, the sum of my experience has
overwhelmingly fueled my faith to talk to God more often, to
ask more boldly of Him, believe more passionately in Him, and
pray more specifically.

I doubt any individual could convince you that God wants,
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