Ask Persistently
Diligence, tenacity, and perseverance are the nonnegotiable
traits of a powerful and effective pray-er. It is not an option to
give up praying for someone if God gives you the conviction
that you must continue to pray for him or her.
Praying for someone to be healed, to find their soul mate, to
get a job, to be freed from emotional oppression, or to be
released from an addiction will take time. Consistent prayer, in
addition to medical help or pastoral counsel, a healthier diet, or
the removal from unhealthy, unholy activities will change a
Neglecting to pray can hinder or stall the release of God’s
power upon a person’s life.
For example, does someone you know need healing? What
I’ve read and personally experienced regarding physical or
emotional healing confirms that in most cases, healing is not
instantaneous but occurs over time. My readings have
included numerous books by Francis MacNutt, a former priest
who for decades has seen people healed through prayer and
the teaching of the principles of healing prayer. MacNutt and
other experts on healing prayer say that healing rarely occurs
as a result of a sensational healing experience. And though
spontaneous and miraculous healings do happen and have
been confirmed, most often healing occurs over time—a few
hours, a few days, a few months, or even after a few years.
The rule of thumb is this: Don’t stop praying for people to
be healed, or saved, or helped, or empowered, or delivered.
That is why a prayer request list is so helpful and handy.