Let God Talk to You: When You Hear Him, You Will Never Be the Same

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counting the cost, he followed every leading of God.” 3
Müller’s life suggests that it is neither religious training nor
spiritual pedigree that gives someone the courage to stand
against evil or oppression. Rather, it is that person’s
willingness to believe that God talks to them, asking for their
cooperation to powerfully impact, change, speak into, or even
save the lives of others.

Be assured, God spoke not only to the George Müllers of
past centuries, but speaks to men and women today who will
listen to His voice and act on what they hear! When God
speaks through your life and my life, people see Jesus, they
feel God’s presence, and they open up to Him.

One of my fondest memories of God’s using me to reach out
to someone He loved who was searching and struggling
occurred on a flight between my home in California and
Kansas. I was flying off to speak for Fellowship of Christian
Athletes, a high school and college ministry headquartered in
Kansas City.

I sat down on an aisle seat in the back of a plane—one row
from the lavatory—aboard a flight I was not originally
scheduled to take. I was pleasantly surprised to be sitting next
to a student who identified herself as a college athlete. I
immediately thought our conversation would be fun. (A hoodie
sweatshirt with school letters across her chest, very hip blue
jeans, and a ponytail usually reveal the identity of a confident

So I asked, within seconds of buckling my seat belt, “Where
are you going?”
She surprised me with her red-rimmed eyes and quiet voice:

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