Let God Talk to You: When You Hear Him, You Will Never Be the Same

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challenged readers with: “What comes into our minds when we
think about God is the most important thing about us.” 1
Who is God to you? Write down your thoughts in the back
of this book or in a journal.

For example, when I think about who God is to me, not just
one but many descriptions come to mind.

God is my heavenly Father, holy and awesome. Far beyond my
understanding is the magnitude of who He is, and yet He is
inexplicably present and always available to me, His child.

God is the Creator of all things, all-powerful and all-knowing, yet He
is my Creator and empathetic with my humanity in all its weakness.

God is King over all mankind. He is royal and majestic, yet it’s His
love rather than His power that compels me to worship Him as my

God is the Holy Spirit, the wisest Counselor, whose instruction is
always fair, always true, and pure in motive. Most significant, His
advice is just and righteous, distinctive from the majority of voices
clamoring to advise me.

God is Jesus the Savior, who died a sacrificial death on a cross—on
my behalf. Jesus paid a price for my sins, which I could never pay.
Because I have been so mercifully pardoned and undeservedly
forgiven by His act of love, I cannot help but wholeheartedly follow
and completely trust the One who died for me. Jesus lives forever
and has promised to prepare a place for me in heaven with Him for

God is the eternal, three-in-one person, which makes Him infinitely
more mysterious and wonderful than anyone I know.
God is mine and I am His.
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