Linux Kernel Architecture

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Chapter 19: Auditing



kauditd not running? Start kauditd

Dispatch by type

Figure 19-4: Code flow diagram foraudit_receive_msg.

The remainder of the function is a dispatcher that calls specific processing functions selected by request
type after the required information has been extracted from the netlink message. As usual, the dispatcher
is implemented with a largecasestatement.

Let us focus our attention on one particular example of how to handle a request, namely how the kernel
adds new audit rules to the rule database. For requests of typeAUDIT_ADD_RULE, the dispatcher delegates
further processing toaudit_receive_filter, where the following piece of code is responsible for dealing
with the request:

switch (type) {
if (type == AUDIT_ADD)
entry = audit_rule_to_entry(data);
entry = audit_data_to_entry(data, datasz);
if (IS_ERR(entry))
return PTR_ERR(entry);

err = audit_add_rule(entry,
audit_log_rule_change(loginuid, sid, "add", &entry->rule, !err);

The request typeAUDIT_ADDis supported only for backward compatibility, so it is not important in this
context.audit_data_to_entrywas mentioned before: It takes an instance ofstruct audit_rule_data
that comes from userspace, and converts it into an instance ofstruct audit_krule— the kernel internal
representation of an audit rule.audit_add_rule, in turn, is responsible for placing the newly constructed
object on the appropriate audit rule list inaudit_filter_list. Since adding audit rules is a decision
worth remembering,audit_log_rule_changeprepares a corresponding audit log message that is sent to
the userland audit daemon.

19.3.4 Logging Events

With all the infrastructure in place, you can now take a look at how the actual auditing is implemented.
The process is split into three phases. First, the logging process needs to be started viaaudit_log_start.
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